What is a Yoni and what is a Yoni Massage?
The Yoni is the Sanskrit term for the vagina and the female reproductive system. Tantra celebrates a woman’s Yoni in order to highlight the significance of it in the cycle of life. The foundation of life was believed to begin in a woman’s Yoni that was a chain reaction to all life energy in the universal system. An imbalance in the woman’s Yoni was thought to reap many ill effects in her life as well as the interconnected energetic system around her.
Therefore the ancient practice of Tantra and Toa engineered a massage (bodywork) to bring about an energetic balance in the woman’s Yoni. Sexual energy is the basal energy for life energy to flow through – birth being the initiation of life itself. Therefore this massage was performed on women to release their negative energy in the form of Amrita. Amrita is the Sanskrit term for Female Ejaculation. The female ejaculate contains negative emotions of a woman in the form of emotions. This is only further validated by the recent research done by Dr. Emoto Masaru called The Messages in Water.
Having understood the immense benefit of a Yoni massage; Mal Weeraratne proprietor and founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening started Yoni massage classes London to educate the public. Tantric Journey aims to create vast awareness about the vital necessity of Emotional Detox through Bodywork (Yoni massages) to make the public understand how important is it to remove and release negative energy from the body.
The current day and age brings about a lot of disconnection within oneself due to the lifestyle, perception and psychological exposure. Processed inorganic food; busy work schedules; broken homes; stressful environments; constant break outs of violence; media exposure; lack of lifestyle knowledge; drug abuse; sexual abuse; physical abuse; emotional abuse; psychological abuse; detachment from family and a demanding lifestyle contribute to this disconnection and emotional abyss that manifest as physical experiences and path in one’s life.
Therefore the retain the ‘zen’ within, despite the criticism of practicing a ‘medieval’ treatment of vaginal massage London; Tantric Journey continues to provide its care and love in other parts of the world too.
Tantric Journey Yoni massage classes in London have become popular through word of mouth and experiences that annual workshops are held in Tao Garden in Thailand. The workshop receives participants from various countries for a week filled of positive energy and negative emotional release. The workshop is called Emotional Detox through Bodywork that is ideal for men, women and couples.
The Yoni massage in London by Tantric Journey concentrates on the vagina and hence why it is called the vaginal massage in London by Tantric Journey, as it focuses on the female prostrate which is also called the G Spot. The female prostrate was disregarded until recent research that showed all women do have prostrates that produce female ejaculate and this prostrate is the G – Spot.
Therefore this is how the Yoni massage is applicable for a male too as it focuses on the prostrate to release negative emotions.
A yoni massage maintains the energetic balance of the body that allows to produce positive thoughts, positive emotions and positive life decisions by shedding the negativity in the body. The body’s valence is changed from negative to positive improving overall health (emotional, physical and psychological = mind, body and spirit)